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BIW Compact 2-2013 English

Our trainees and staff from various BIW departments were treated to an impressive demonstration of the materials silicone can be manufactured from. To do this, the raw materials were not just presented as chemical formulas, but also with samples of the individual raw materials. The seminar showed both the advantages and the few disadvantages of silicone compared to other elastomers. The usage examples showed the versatility of silicone. Then the technical centre of Momentive showed the pro- cessing of liquid silicone (LSR). The seminar continued with the production facilities for LSR and HTV rubber. The Conti system for HTV rubber types was particularly impressive. We would like to thank Mr Rolle from Momentive for the implementation and organisation of the session. TRAINING SESSION ON SILICONE AND THE COMPARISON OF SUCH WITH OTHER ELASTOMERS AT MOMENTIVE PERFORMANCE MATERIALS IN LEVERKUSEN BIW Isolierstoffe GmbH Pregelstraße 5, D-58256 Ennepetal, Germany Tel.: +49 (23 33) 83 08-0 Fax: +49 (23 33) 83 08-10 Responsible persons: Ralf Stoffels, Dr. Markus Wiethoff Editorial staff: Ralf Stoffels, Harald Schnellenbach, Anja Langner, Dr. Markus Wiethoff Layout and typesetting: All rights reserved. No section of this document may be reproduced without prior written authorisation, saved to a data system or transmitted in any form whether electronic or mechanical by means of photocopying, recording or any other method. IMPRINT CONTACT 04 — HARALD SCHNELLENBACH COMPACT When it comes to competence When it comes to competence Kai Oliver Siemes, Behdad Assadollahzadeh, Angelo Vitanza, Anja Benninghofen, Sascha Kaiser, Diana Reinhardt, Hans Jörg Oberberg, Harald Schnellenbach, Ingmar Balthes-Schneider, Oliver Braselmann On August 1st 2013, five new trainees started out in their future professions. Four trainees as process technicians for plastic and rubber technology under the leadership of their training manager Harald Schnellenbach, and one trainee industrial mechanic under the leadership of training manager Thomas Perian. In 2013, BIW has also taken on their trainees afer the successful completion of their training: four process tech- nicians for plastic and rubber technology, one industrial mechanic and one commercial trainee who is now inte- grated in our purchasing department. Two other commer- cial trainees are still studying for their final examination. We would like to welcome our specialist staff and wish them every success in their professions. Harald Schnellenbach, Maximilian Bohm, Timo Janschulte, Kevin Pauly, Angelo Vitanza, Kai Oliver Siemes, Thomas Perian, Behdad Assadollahzadeh, André Deinert, Kay Yanik Krappitz, Caglayan Cifci, not included on the photograph: Anja Benninghofen BIW WELCOMES FIVE NEW TRAINEES — ANJA LANGNER WELCOME TO THE TEAM MICHAEL HAAS NAME: Michael Haas POSITION: Head of sales for South Germany EDUCATION: Tool maker, Fine works technician INTERESTS: Sports, travel, cooking/barbecues GOALS TO ACHIEVE AT BIW: Expand the sales sector in the region of South Ger- many to get closer to achieving the aim of market leadership. We would like to take this opportunity to extend our trainees a very warm welcome and to wish them every success. We would also like to congratulate our “former” trainees on the successful completion of the training. INNOVATION AT A GLANCE
